4 Must-Know Strategies for Building a Killer Remote Sales Team

You want your sales team to dominate their quotas and close deals. But there's a challenge: due to the COVID-19 crisis, all of a sudden, your all-star sales team is now working and selling remotely from home. Now what?

To be frank, doing remote sales work is not easy for a first-time manager.

By 2025, over 36 million Americans will work from home!

At Close, not only do we run a 100 percent remote sales team and have seen first-hand the value of a remote sales team, but we also understand the challenges that come with it.

Using a remote sales workforce requires lots of planning and thought while putting your team and company in the best position to be successful. In light of current events, companies are forced to make the transition much quicker than usual.

Many businesses can face challenges when attempting to incorporate a remote workforce. Other companies can maintain their remote team but struggle to get them to thrive.

In this post, we aim to help you uncover how to overcome these challenges and avoid the struggle.

With having a remote sales team comes the issue of having control.

You can’t just walk over to somebody’s desk to discover what’s happening with a coworker’s work.

So, how do you build a killer remote team? Here are four must-know strategies for building a killer remote sales team.

Set Clear Expectations

People can learn a lot from context.

As a sales leader, you must be explicit about what the remote worker must bring forward. Each task's parameters and details must be clear enough that everybody knows what needs to happen.

When your sales team knows what is expected of them, they are more likely to deliver. Agreeing on specific goals gives you a framework for assessing their performance.


A poll of German workers found that when managers set expectations, hold employees accountable for meeting them, and respond quickly when team members need help, the workers take more initiative and perform better.

Sales management should set expectations about sales quotas and processes. You need to track and monitor your internal sales goals. As a sales leader, you need to use a sales leaderboard to understand the activity going on and whether expectations are being met.

Build remote sales team with Close CRM Sales leaderboard

‎Without clear expectations, things can get complicated. Without agreed-upon standards, there is no easy way to measure success and evaluate team performance.

Hire Experienced Sales Professionals

You want to hire people who have been in sales for a year or more. These people have a strong understanding of what makes a good sales professional.

These people are more mature, have a strong track record of being disciplined, and are very consistent with their work.

You want to hire salespeople who view themselves as go-getters. These people will dominate prospecting, follow up, solve problems, and think outside the box to close deals.

When you have a more experienced sales rep, you don’t need to stress about a long onboarding process. An experienced individual will most likely need to be trained in your sales processes and CRM and be told what is expected of them.

Companies that hire experienced sales reps will most likely reap big benefits and have lots of success.


Promote Employee Engagement

It can be common for remote sales workers to feel less engaged and disconnected from your company since they are not in a traditional office or with a group of colleagues. This can harm their morale and productivity. And believe me, morale is crucial for keeping your team functioning through the COVID-19 epidemic.

You might want to consider implementing a Slack channel for your sales team. This tactic will minimize the idea of having a “gong bell” in the office that would get banged when a deal is closed. Instead, the Slack channel would send a notification every time a sale is made.

Congratulate to each other across the sales team on Slack. Consider sharing insight behind the sale, such as sharing any challenges or lessons learned so your colleagues can learn from it. Additionally, using GIFs in the channel is another way to keep people engaged and having further conversations.

Consider encouraging pods. This involves two sales leaders working together (the best and worst of the team) to try to reach their quota. The pod with the best result gets an incentive. With this, it can help encourage more engagement across the sales team.

When your remote team cares about what they do, they will likely provide excellent work because they are happy and engaged.

Companies have an opportunity to boost their employees’ experience into one that allows them to feel engaged.

Provide the Right Tools

To make it easier for remote employees to have a flexible and stress-free environment, businesses are incorporating tools to help replace the office touch with technology.

Sales leaders need to equip remote sales teams with the tools necessary to help them be successful.

Having a CRM is critical for sales teams to follow up with leads and for leaders to track their progress. A CRM allows remote teams to update it with prospects, leads, and existing clients as often as needed.


Mastering remote work is all about finding more than a CRM to stay connected and on top of your work.

You want to familiarize yourself with a set of tools your team can use to help them become more productive and accomplish their work on time. These tools cover all the bases a remote team needs. From remote chat to project management to video conferencing to cloud storage, there are so many options out there.

Many of these tools are essential to good remote work. They can make your work more transparent and available to your remote team anytime.

Master Remote Sales with These 4 Proven Strategies

Managing a remote sales team is not easy, but there are many ways to have an environment that allows you to have a killer remote sales team.

Leaders who make the extra effort will reap the benefits of a remote sales team that boosts productivity and closes more deals.

A remote sales team gives you the advantage of having a sales presence in many places. And if you do things right, it’s not hard to see success.

If you’re thinking about building a remote sales team or shifting your current team to a remote one, these four strategies are just what you need to get started.

Want more tips on building a killer sales team?

Download a free copy of The Sales Hiring Playbook, where you will receive the best advice on hiring and managing sales reps, and check out our guide on remote sales.

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