How NatureBox adopted new technology—and tightened up their sales process

NatureBox was fearful of adoption rates when considering a new CRM, but the change was smooth and brought the entire team increased success.

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NatureBox—a healthy snack distributor for the workplace—offers different plans to suit the varying needs of their customers. And, similar to their own business model, the stakeholders at NatureBox needed to find the same flexibility with the software that runs their business.

Unfortunately, finding agile tools isn’t always easy. And, when NatureBox initially selected a CRM, they learned how quickly costs and frustration can add up when working with rigid platforms.

An 'Apple-like' CRM

Rather than continuing to pay for costly add-ons that weren’t a great fit for their slim sales team, NatureBox decided to push the reset button, and look for new tech that was better suited for their business needs.

Specifically, NatureBox wanted a CRM that was:

  • Cost-effective
  • Easy to roll out
  • Enthusiastically adopted by the team

Knowing that adding new technology to existing workflows can be met with resistance and frustration, NatureBox placed a particular focus on the UX of their new CRM. The easier the tech was, the easier the transition would be.

When NatureBox first discovered Close, they were awed by its sleek design and functionality. Michael Occhipinti, Vice President of Sales, said if “Salesforce is ‘Microsoft’ then Close is ‘Apple.’”

Sr. Account Executive, Vanessa McCarthy also became a quick fan of the new technology, “I actually prefer Close to Salesforce now. It’s not as complex, offers the same functionality, and is easier and more user-friendly.”

A balanced diet of change and success

Rolling out the new tech, was a strategic play by Occhipinti. Rather than inundating his team with all the features Close has to offer, NatureBox began by dipping their toes into the Close waters, “We started pretty basic and then added on call recording as our needs expanded.”

After quickly seeing the value and the adoption rate of Close within the sales team, making the decision to continue adding features was an easy one.

“Close made selling easier and brought everything into one view,” explained McCarthy, “Instead of having to set reminders and follow up, it was already done. We could set it and forget it.”

Occhipinti echoed the sentiment of Close’s simplicity, “As a sales leader, the reporting in Close gives me everything I need.”

Celebrating a healthier, happier team

Using Close’s technology, NatureBox was able to reduce its sales cycle to less than one month, from the first client call to a closed deal.

Occhipinti said that Close’s agility has also allowed them to cut costs by ditching ancillary products that Close’s technology covers, “The sequences are really great because it instantly eliminated another tool that we were using outside of our CRM.”

The adjustment in technology also allowed the team at NatureBox to hone their focus on their first priority: Its clients.

“We’re very customer-centric and put our customers first. Close allows us to stay connected to our customers,” said McCarthy.

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Since we've started using Close, we've QUADRUPLED our average revenue per user.
Tim Griffin,
 Cloosiv Founder & CEO

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