No More Excuses: Turn Worry into Action

No one worries more than a first-time entrepreneur, and it’s not hard to see why. From fundraising to product demonstrations to initial hires, there’s always something to worry about.

There must be a reason we spend so much time worrying. If it weren’t valuable, we wouldn’t do it … Right? So, what does worrying do for us? In a word, nothing. Worrying means you’ve identified a problem and:

  • Don’t know what to do about it, or
  • Know what to do but don’t want to do it

Either way, worry is an excuse for inaction, and it’s a dangerous excuse because it feels productive. After all, you’re “planning,” right? That’s the problem. Progress isn’t measured in plans; it’s measured in action.

It isn’t that experienced entrepreneurs are worry-free, but they do have a skill many people lack: The ability to turn worry into action as quickly as possible. And they do it by asking one simple question: “Is there anything I can do about this?”

  • If they can do something about it, they stop worrying and take action.
  • If they can’t do anything about it, they stop worrying and refocus their energy on what they can influence.

See? Simple. If you can act, act. If you can’t move on. Why worry about things you can’t control?

But simple doesn’t always mean easy. Taking action and letting go both require confidence and follow-through, and there’s no shortcut to those. But don’t worry; turning worry into action gets easier with practice.

When you catch yourself worrying, you’ve worried long enough. Decide in that moment to either take action or move on. Commit to your choice, and there won’t be any room for worry.

Turn worry into action

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