
A sales sequence or cadence is a series of touchpoints with a lead over time. The goal of a sequence is to move prospects through your sales pipeline and convert them into paying customers. This may include touchpoints via email, text message, or phone calls.

Why is Sequence Important Today? 

In today's fast-paced business world, it's crucial not only to deliver your message but also to make it memorable and compelling. This is where a well-designed "sequence" comes into play.

A sequence is like a VIP pass to effective sales. It’s not about bombarding potential customers with information but taking them on a personalized journey of meaningful interactions.

A good sequence opens doors. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach but is customized, much like a GPS guiding each lead on their unique route to making a purchase, avoiding obstacles, and enhancing the experience along the way.

In essence, a sequence isn’t rigid. It’s flexible, changing, and adapting to each lead’s reactions and needs. It’s a dynamic and artistic approach to sales and marketing that makes every interaction count.

History of Sequences

Let's take a step back to see how the concept of "sequence" has evolved over the years in sales and marketing.

In the past, sales involved making a single pitch, and you either got the client or didn’t. However, businesses began to realize the value of ongoing engagement. The focus shifted from one-time interactions to a series of tailored conversations designed to guide prospects toward making a purchase.

The sequence started as a basic chain of follow-up calls or emails. But as technology advanced, so did sequences. New tools and software allowed businesses to turn sequences into a precise and personalized process.

Today, sequences have evolved to offer a customized experience that’s a mix of both art and science. They’re not just follow-ups anymore; they are tailored journeys making leads feel individually catered to and naturally leading them to choose your product or service.

How to Implement Sequences in Sales

If you're looking to boost your sales and enhance your engagement with leads, creating an effective sequence is key.  

Start by thoroughly understanding your audience. Know their needs, interests, and challenges. The sequence should be highly personalized, aiming to address the unique aspects of each lead.

Plan the sequence carefully, ensuring it has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Start with a friendly introduction that focuses on making a connection rather than an immediate sale.

Incorporate valuable content that informs, educates, and entertains the leads, showcasing your expertise by solving their problems and addressing their needs.

Use reliable tools and software to build and manage your sequence, ensuring efficiency and versatility. While automation can streamline the process, personalization should be at the core of every interaction.

Regularly review and adjust the sequence. It should be flexible, adapting to the leads’ responses and behaviors to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

The closing of a sale should feel natural, a seamless next step for the lead if the sequence is well-executed, making the purchasing decision effortless.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sequence (FAQs)

What is the Best Sales Sequence?

The best sales sequence is personalized, balancing automation and human touch. It is tailored to fit the unique needs and behaviors of your leads, using a mix of engagement channels and content that adds value at every touchpoint. It should be adaptable and optimized based on the responses and interactions of the leads.

What is an Example of Sales Sequence?

An example of a sales sequence for a SaaS company might include an introductory email offering valuable insights, followed by social media engagement. The sequence could then incorporate a second email with educational content, a personal check-in call, another email with a relevant case study, and a final call to explore the fit of the product or service for the lead’s specific needs.

How Do You Write a Sales Sequence?

To write a sales sequence, start by understanding your audience’s needs and challenges. Create content that addresses these pain points and adds value, balancing the use of emails, calls, and social media. Ensure personalization in every message and use automation tools where appropriate. Measure and optimize the sequence based on lead responses and interactions.