12 Sales Blogs You Should Read Every Day

Warren Buffet famously said, “The more you learn, the more you earn.”

And if “there’s no better way to learn than to do,” second best might be to learn from the triumphs and challenges faced by others.

For all you future Buffets out there, the following sales blogs represent the best-of-the-web when it comes to sales content. You’ll hear from other sales leaders and discover the tips and techniques they use to sell more, faster, and better.

Ready to become a sales pro? Bookmark these sites and follow them on social media.

Visit one or two of them at the start of each day to pick up some new techniques, hacks, or approaches.

Then, get on with your day and crush your sales goals.

The top sales blogs (in no particular order) are:

1. Close Blog

close-sales blog

We're slightly biased on this one, but we're committed to sharing fresh sales advice here on the Close blog. Our CEO Steli Efti and the rest of our team share sales and startup knowledge to help you master the art of sales and grow your sales career.

Whether you're looking to improve your cold emailing strategy, build a sales pipeline, or improve your sales coaching program, we've got you covered.

In addition to valuable sales content, we’ve also offer downloadable sales playbooks, templates, checklists, sales call scripts, tips on better CRM implementation, and whole lot more.

Get a head start today by downloading all of Steli’s books and resources for sales reps, managers, and founders for free.

Read this post: 15 Cold Email Templates for Sales Teams to Nail Outreach

Excerpt: "It can take a lot of time writing outreach emails. Time you could use to redefine your target account list, follow up with hot leads, or build your social selling strategy.

So how can you leverage the power of cold emails without spending an entire day writing them?

The answer is cold email templates that streamline outreach—and we have 12 of them to share."

Read more >

2. Sales Hacker

sales-hacker sales blog

Sales Hacker shares the latest sales tips and tactics, including strategies from top experts in the industry plus killer lead generation, outreach, and negotiation techniques you can implement today.

They publish new blog posts often and also provide useful content such as podcasts, webinars, online courses, sales training, videos, eBooks, and more. Sales Hacker covers a wide range of topics and publishes content in a variety of formats—so, no matter how you prefer to consume your sales content they’ve got you covered.

Read this post: Entrepreneur Selling: The Simple Mindset Shift that Wins More Deals

Excerpt: “Professional sellers who think like owners of their territories take more accountability for their outcomes and success, no matter what’s going on around them. They find a way, every time, to make their number. In doing so, they usually create higher value for their clients, higher margins for their organization, and maximize their commission checks. If you’re a sales leader, think about your team for a moment.”

3. Sales Gravy

sales-gravy sales blog

Jeb Blount, sales acceleration specialist and bestselling author of Fanatical Prospecting, shares thousands of free articles, videos, podcasts, tips, training, and advice from the top sales experts on his blog. He is a must read for both new sales reps and sales pros looking to hone their skills.

Read this post: 2 Ways to Build a Stronger Connection With Prospect

Excerpt:"Have you ever been in a sales meeting and asked all the right questions, listened intently, but still feel like there is a disconnect in the conversation? I sure have!

It’s times like these that you have to lean on your emotional intelligence to be aware enough to pause your agenda and take a step back.

There are some buyer styles that simply don’t enjoy having off-topic conversations and dislike the entire process of building rapport. They see it as a waste of time.Those are typically the ones that you may feel the most disconnected from throughout the sales process

4. SalesFolk Blog

salesfolk sales blog

If you’re looking to improve your sales email skills, the SalesFolk blog has you covered. They provide cold email examples (and not just the good, but also the ugly), suggestions, and new ideas.

They even have a category called “Hall of Shame” where they share the worst prospecting emails (ouch!) Just ensure you don’t make the same cold email mistakes.

Read this post: 3 cold email mistakes that ruin sales conversations

Excerpt: “If you’re selling to a broad range of titles and industries, it can be tempting to aim for the most generic message possible that could appeal to anyone on your list. Instead of narrowing down your audience and your value propositions, you pick the broadest reasons why someone would choose to buy your product or work with your company.

And it doesn’t work. It never does.”

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5. InsideSales.com Blog

inside sales best sales blogs HP

The InsideSales.com blog is a great resource for a variety of sales roles. Updated often, they share how-to’s, essays, and articles on all things sales and marketing. They also share reviews of SaaS tools sales reps can use to improve sales performance, top trends, and tips on sales automation.

Read this post: [Infographic] 8 skills every top performer should have

Excerpt: “What makes a Zig Ziglar, Grant Cardone, David Ogilvy, or Dale Carnegie?

What separates the good from the truly great? And what sales techniques will help reps get more business, handle objections, and have better overall sales conversations?

We made a list of the sales skills of the best sales reps, and you know what? Talking people into buying things wasn’t high on the list.”

6. CloserIQ Sales Blog


CloserIQ’s network of more than 30,000 sales leaders share their sales strategies straight from the trenches. As a sales recruitment firm, their blog is perfect for sales managers and recruiters with content focused on hiring top sales talent and sales operations.

Read this post: 7 interview questions to find rockstar sales reps

Excerpt: “When hiring for a rockstar sales fleet, the interview questions can make or break you. Add these magic bullet questions to your next round of sales interviews and you’ll find the reps that will thrive. You’ll also know which candidates should be shown the door.”

7. OpenView Venture Partners Blog


OpenView Venture Partners is an expansion-stage venture firm with experience in investing and building sales teams for early-stage software companies.

On their blog, they share insights and actionable advice for sales professionals—including using metrics to ramp up your sales team, selling to enterprise customers, product-led growth, sales prospecting, and more.

Read this post: Rethinking the product demo for product led growth

Excerpt: “Remember, customers are trying to make an informed buying decision in the shortest time possible. Is your process optimized to help buyers quickly experience your product’s “aha” moment?

Or are you expecting in-trial customers to complete what amounts to an implementation process before they can begin to see the value of the product?”

8. Predictable Revenue Blog


Aaron Ross, award-winning and bestselling author, has spent years teaching companies how to double or triple (or more) their sales. On the Predictable Revenue blog, he and his team share the latest B2B sales trends.

Recent topics on this sales blog include cultivating confidence, ideas for sales incentives, skills sales development reps need, and sales funnel tips.

Read this post: The key to getting your first 10 customers isn’t sales — it’s product

Excerpt: “In addition to speaking with as many potential users as possible, there are other methods of ascertaining the effectiveness and necessity of your product.

For example, I suggest employing the always illuminating toothbrush test, which, simply put, means understanding how many times your users log into your product each day. Is it twice per day (the same amount of times they’d use a toothbrush)? If so, you’ve likely hit on a pretty powerful need.”

9. Jill Konrath’s Sales Blog


Sales thought leader Jill Konrath is always searching for the freshest sales strategies. Then, she shares her findings with the world.

Discover how to speed up your sales and win more business, as Jill combines first-hand experiences and sales tips like a pro. Her most recent topics are focused on value propositions, conversational sales, and keeping competitors out of reach.

Read this post: Is your value proposition strong enough?

Excerpt:“Clearly articulated value propositions can be used to develop highly effective phone or email messages that highlight your buyers’ primary issues/challenges and the key business results your product, service or solution addresses.

They can also be used to create buyer-centric presentations, customized proposals and spot-on marketing initiatives.

Let me be clear though. There is not one single value proposition that rules them all.”

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10. LinkedIn Sales Solutions


LinkedIn's Sales Solution blog is an awesome resource for sales reps and sales managers looking to learn and grow. They cover tons of strategies for B2B sales including how to research prospects, finding better discovery questions, and sales enablement.

And, they're constantly publishing new content so there's always something fresh to ready.

Read this post: What do Do Before and After a Sales Call: 4 Hacks That'll Help You Go Deeper

Excerpt: "Buyers who show up to sales meetings totally cold and unprepared usually make for ineffective conversation. Unfortunately, this happens rather frequently.

It is the responsibility of the salesperson to ensure the buyer is just as prepared as you.

The best sellers subscribe to the saying “if it’s to be, it’s up to me.”

You can accomplish this by sharing a “pre-read” before your first discovery call."

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11. The Sales Blog by Anthony Iannarino


Author of The Sales Blog, Anthony Iannarino, is a reputable speaker, author, and sales leader. His sales tips are straightforward and refreshing, making his style of writing easily digestible and practical.

Read this post: The three most important metrics in sales

Excerpt: “Everything is important, but not everything can most important. When it comes to metrics, more is not always better. There are, however, some metrics that tell you much about your sales results—and your challenges. These three metrics in sales can tell you a lot about what you need to know to improve.”

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12. The HubSpot Sales Blog

sales blog example

Best known as a CRM and marketing tool, HubSpot shares some really good sales advice. And, if you're looking to better align sales and marketing, their marketing blog is solid, too.

Read this post: 5 Traps to Avoid as a Sales Manager in 2023, According to Vendux LLC's Founder

Exerpt: "One of my first customer visits as a young sales manager was in support of a salesperson — with a client I hadn't met before. Prior to the visit, we had done a lot of technical work for the client's company, substantially improving its product.

However, being a supplier offering significant technical service, our product's price wasn't exactly cheap. As a result, the customer had researched other supply sources — and as we sat down for the meeting, he told us that he could buy the same product for half the price."

Learning Is Crucial to Long-Term Sales Growth

Sales is an ever-changing field. Whether you're a sales manager looking to increase revenue or a sales representative hoping to nail next quarter's sales goals, the best sales blogs will help you learn new skills, improve sales conversations, and increase your close rates.

Want to take your sales game even further? Close is a CRM built by and for SMB sales teams. Try us free for 14 days.

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