How to build a scalable sales process (Q&A webinar)

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Here's the recording of today's webinar about how to build a scalable sales process (no matter the stage you're in today). Tune in below!

Whether you realize it or not, you (and your sales team) have a sales process. It might not be well-documented, replicable, thoughtful or very successful, but you've got one.

In today's webinar, we covered everything from the basic steps to building out a sales process that won't break as you grow, to actionable strategies for getting team buy-in, motivating your reps to proactively test process improvements, and so much more...

Tune in to watch the full recording of our webinar right here:

Huge thanks to our panelists today, Vinay Patankar of Process Street, Mike Paladino of PandaDoc, and Mike Sutherland from Groove.

Process Street is a simple process and workflow management tool that helps teams from companies like LinkedIn, Cisco, Sheraton and thousands of startups & SMBs to successfully manage (and improve) recurring checklists, processes and procedures.

PandaDoc is document management software that helps your team streamline the way they're creating, sending and tracking key sales documents like proposals and contracts—so that your team can focus on closing more deals, faster.

Groove is a sales engagement platform for managing your inbound and outbound sales process, where account-based sales teams from companies like Google, Slack, Uber and Asana are selling smarter, growing pipeline and driving revenue.

Still have sales process questions?

Ask away in the comments below!

We'll weigh in and get to the many questions that went unanswered during today's webinar.

Thanks for tuning in!

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