How to optimize your pricing strategy (for sales growth) with Patrick Campbell and Kyle Poyar

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Here's the recording of today's webinar on how to optimize your pricing strategy with Price Intelligently's Patrick Campbell, OpenView's Kyle Poyar and Steli.

In this webinar, we're hearing from Patrick, Kyle and Steli about their experiences optimizing startup pricing for maximum sales growth. Whether you're selling B2B or B2C, nailing your pricing strategy (for the types of customers you want to attract) is a must—and this webinar is a free masterclass in making sure you get it right.

Now... sadly, we had some technical difficulties with the recording and there's some minor video and audio loss throughout the conversation... and then at about 33 minutes in, we experienced total loss ☹️

We're still working with Zoom to see if there's another way to recover the full recording, but the odds aren't looking to be in our favor. So for now, you can watch the first 33 minutes of the webinar recording right here:

Thanks again to our co-hosts Patrick Campbell of Price Intelligently and Kyle Poyar of OpenView Venture Partners.

Patrick is the founder and CEO at Price Intelligently (by Profitwell), the industry standard software to help get your subscription pricing on the right track, where customers often unlock 30%+ more growth. Built primarily for growth stage and enterprise organizations, Price Intelligently is used by companies like Lyft, Zenefits, Cisco, BigCommerce and more—to optimize their pricing for maximum growth.

Kyle is the Senior Director of Market Strategy at OpenView Venture Partners, the renowned expansion stage venture capital firm based out of Boston, Massachusetts. Portfolio companies they've invested in and advised with include Calendly, WeWork, Expensify, UserTesting and many more.

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